Stodgy Brewing

Featured Events

Call for Makers- Winter Makers Market

Calling Makers! If you'd like to be a part of our outdoor winter makers Market, Thursday December 5th 3-8pm, please apply HERE! Applications will be accepted through October 15th.

Oktoberfest 2024

Join us for Oktoberfest! Special Oktoberfest beer and stein release, fresh pretzels by The Bread Chic, Pierogies Factory (12-8), and live polka music (4-6)!

Drag Bingo

Join Krisa Gonna for Drag Bingo on Stodgy's back patio! Buy your tickets ahead of time to secure your spot.

Tickets Sold Here

Euchre Tournament

First Wednesday of every month. Free to play, beer related prizes. Sign-up here to guarantee your spot. Show up around 5pm, you need to be in your seats and ready to start by 5:30!

Altbier Service

Just like Kolsch Service but with Altbier! This traditional German event will be hosted on our back patio. You can drop in anytime between 1pm and 4pm to enjoy table service in specialty glasses.

Weekly Events

Shut Up & Write!

Come write with us! Bring whatever writing you want to get done: your novel, memoir, comic, poetry, academic paper, blog post, or work project. We gather at 6:30 to socialize a bit, then write silently for 1hr, then socialize a bit more.

Please RSVP on Meetup to meet other writers and get some writing done.

Board Game Night

Our seasonal board game nights return on October 3rd! Bring a friend, borrow a game, and enjoy Stodgy in the winter!